Intro to Automated Testing of Embedded Systems using SiL and HiL

(updated: )

This is a 30 minute presentation I held at the test automation meetup in Dortmund on Nov 13, 2019, as an introduction to automated testing of embedded systems. It is the result of close to two weeks of research, discussions, and documentation while working at SOREL.

Slides: German, English

Main goals

  • Give an introduction to automated testing of embedded systems.
  • Highlight differences of embedded to software-only workflows (p8).
  • Propose a CI/CD development pipeline (p21).

Key points

  • Realizations regarding the software development process (p11).
  • Proposal for fixing a broken development process (p12).
  • Proposal for an embedded CI/CD infrastructure (p17).
  • A list of typical pre-commit tests (p24).
  • A list of useful tools and topics if you are just starting out (p29).
  • A list of best practices to follow when starting a new project (p31).


  1. Introduction
  2. Goals
  3. What is an embedded system?
  4. What are SiL and HiL tests?
  5. About SOREL
  6. Initial situation
  7. Current development process
  8. Typical issues
  9. Realizations regarding SW dev process
  10. Solution approach
  11. New development process
  12. Current challenges
  13. Specific uncertainties and questions
  14. Appendix A: Useful tools and topics
  15. Appendix B: Best practices for new projects
  16. Image and text references
  17. Questions?
  18. Thank you!